StargazePS Wiki

Welcome to Stargaze PS!

In order to keep your account secure and protected, we have several measures that you can take to prevent unauthorized access to your account.

Bank Pin: Ensure you have a bank pin on your account, it will take 7 days for your pin to be deactivated, at which time you should notice a compromise in your account.

Login Pin: This is a pin that must be entered before being able to play anytime your account is logged into from a different IP address. The command for this is ::setloginpin

Password: Ensure your password contains a mix of uppercase, lowercase and numerical characters. Also ensure that your password on here is different from any other server you’ve played to increase your account security. The command to change your password is ::changepassword followed by the new password you'd like.

It is important that you follow and implement all of these security measures on your account. There has been an influx in hacked accounts, more than likely due to leaked passwords from other servers, leading to players losing their items.

Stargaze is not responsible for lost items due to poor account security. There will be no refunds on lost items.
